Is your mind boggled yet?

Things are certainly interesting and stressful in the world right now for sure. We really haven’t had to quite deal with this level of emergent action. There is a lot of energy of fear and it can be challenging to navigate all this energy. I know I have had a few WTF moments myself.

I mentioned before that this feels like a time of reset, for Mother Earth and for our mind, bodies, and spirits. It’s a time to look inward and recognize the value and the lessons in all this. I feel that those who do will rise even higher after this is over.

It important that as our feelings come up, we acknowledge them and work within to shift your energy to a higher vibration. Fear is a destructive thing and can spiral us in the wrong direction. When I am feeling fearful, and believe me … I have had my moments and I know there will be more to come, I turn it into gratitude. I start looking around for the things I can be grateful for. I turn it into positive affirmations such as all is well, and I am fully supported, and I really have an inner knowing that we will be. I make sure my self-care practice is my number one priority: meditation, exercise, resting, and be loving to myself in every way.

The other day when I went to the grocery store and everything was off the shelves, I had a moment … fear set in … maybe there isn’t enough, I thought. When I went home, I unpacked the little I was able to get and felt so tired I just took a nap. When I woke up, I looked in my freezer and pantry and said to myself, I have more than enough.

As I created my meal that night, I created it with the intentions and feelings of how blessed I was to have this food and I have no worries there will always be enough. Even if I get down to one can of beans and one bag of rice, I will still create it in that beautiful loving energy. It’s my way of not feeding the fears.

Since the world is spinning and many events and things have been canceled that affect my business, I plan on working on some of those projects that have been on the back burner because I am always so busy. New things will emerge with new opportunities after this is over.

I plan on writing and lots of painting, it’s healing for me and when it’s ready it’s healing for those I share it with.

I know many are feeling cooped up and it can be hard to navigate all that is happening right now. I am willing to start a video (Zoom) group so we can connect face to face and support one another. If this is something you are interested in, please click here and let me know. Even if one person says yes, I will make it happen. I want to be here for you, and quite frankly I can use some extra support too.

If you are in need of assistance or looking for a way to help right now, my friend and colleague, Sunny Dawn Johnston, has put together this beautiful group to connect those around the world. She has a non-profit organization that also takes donations to help those in need. Click here to join.

If you are looking for making your imprint in this world and are interested in writing in our next collaborative project, 365 Days of Self-Love, Click here. We need a lot of things in this world and more love is always the answer.

Once we fill the spots for this project, I am personally donating $1000 to Sunny’s organization so she can continue directly helping those in our communities. All the profits from this book will also be donated to a charity that we will vote on as a group. I love bringing beautiful people together to create books that make a difference in this world, are you ready to join?

Please know I am sending you so much loving support right now, please do not hesitate to reach out. Leave a comment and let us know how you are moving through these times.

Lots of love,

Kim Richardson

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