Do You Create Joy in Your Life? Six Steps to Putting Yourself First ...

Are you sure to put yourself and your needs above all others?

This was a difficult lesson for me to learn in my life. I spent my entire life putting everyone else’s needs before my own. I would start to feel worn out and not valued. I allowed everyone to steel all my energy and was living in a world where I didn’t feel as much joy as I wanted.

Once I learned that I needed to put my needs, emotionally and physically first, my life started to shift in huge ways. You see, you can’t be everything to everyone if you aren’t everything to yourself first.

So how do we start putting ourselves first?

  1. Start healing the past. This baggage weighs you down in so many ways. Whatever is unresolved in the past will continue to affect your life in the present.

  2. Get in touch with what exactly it is that you need in every moment and don’t be afraid to use your voice to tell others what you need from them.

  3. Surround yourself with a community of like-minded people that can support you and lift you higher.

  4. Learn to say no! You can say no in a loving way, but it’s important to not allow others deplete you. There may be times you have the energy to meet someone’s request and other times you don’t.

  5. Recognize and honor your needs. Make a list of what you really need, then honor them as if they are promises to YOU.

  6. Do things that bring YOU joy on a daily basis.

I know there are times I crave so sister time to connect and raise my vibration. Last week I attended a workshop to see old friends and make new ones. It’s amazing how much that my vibration raised after attending. Attending these kinds of events are one way I put myself first. My husband is so supportive when I take any actions to put myself first. He knows that when I am whole and complete, I can be more to him and to our marriage.

Hear that … When you put yourself first, you can be more to more people. You have heard the saying that you can’t drip from an empty cup. It’s time for you to keep your cup full my friend!

As you take steps towards putting yourself you will see huge shifts in your life; you will have more energy and you will become a magnet of this new positive energy that will usher in amazing things!

I have teamed up with some of my most beautiful soul-sisters to bring you an amazing event, THE SPRING EQUINOX GODDESS RISING EVENT!

In this magical workshop, you will be guided by each host to experience a day of igniting the Divine Feminine and that inner goddess within. You will leave this event with many valuable tools to implement in your everyday life. 

This event includes but not limited to:

• Heal with the Horses Equine Therapy hosted by Janice Story, Equine Therapy Coach 

Meet Your Muse Workshop hosted by Melissa Kim Corter, Best Selling Author - Join Melissa as she will teach you to tap into your own creative expression and ignite your abundance birthright.

High Vibe Goddess Lunch hosted by Kim Richardson, Personal Chef & Publisher - please advise if you have any nut allergies 

Yoga Nidra hosted by Melissa Kim Corter with Kim Balzan on Crystal Bowls, to guide you into a deep meditative state to surrender & release

Kim Balzan, Goddess Sound will be creating Sacred Sound that will be specific to tap into your inner goddess

Goddess Drumming Circle Dance hosted by Kim Balzan- High Vibrational Goddess Sound to Fill the release with Love

Goddess Crown Workshop hosted by Tara Marie Jack - Tara will guide you in this creative workshop using fresh dried flowers & gemstone crystals for you to tap into your own creative spirit. Your crown, Goddess

Photography with Brandi Strieter Entire transformative journey captured with intuitive photography to remember and share your experience.

Space is limited to preserve the sacred experience for all to enjoy a private intimate setting

• Give Back to the Community. A portion of proceeds & raffle will be given to the Sunlight Alliance Foundation, founded by Sunny Dawn Johnston, which helps families in need

If you would like to join us, reserve your spot here!

I would love to hear from you! Comment and let me know how you put yourself first.

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