12 Steps to SPRING your life into action!

I love this time of year, just on the verge of spring. On Jan 1st most people feel like it’s the new year and start their resolutions and such. I usually start the new year off slow and wait till springtime to birth some new energy. It can feel like we have rested or hibernated all winter and spring brings an awakening energy of sorts … spring fever.

Spring is the time where I take all the reflection that I had near the end of the year during my year-end closing ceremony and put things into action. The seeds were planted and it’s fun to watch them grow.

I love the energy of Spring! The sun is out, it starts to warm up, and everything starts to bloom. This is the time of year that sparks more interest for us to be outside and connecting with nature. Spring is the perfect time for fertilizing and watering our spirits, a new to let go of old beliefs or patterns and trust in the new that is coming your way.

Here are some of my favorite springtime activities to move the hibernating energy that can spring your life into action:

  1. Spring clean your home to move the stale energy of everything being closed for months.

  2. Declutter your physical and emotional world so you can allow room for new and exciting things to come into your life.

  3. Get organized.

  4. Open windows to let the air move the energy.

  5. Clear the energy using music, bells, bowls, drums, or sage.

  6. Check-in with the goals you set near the new year. Create new goals and action plans.

  7. Connect with nature in some way. At least get outside.

  8. Get your body moving in a way that brings you joy.

  9. Incorporate more vegetables into your diet.

  10. Plant some flowers or a garden.

  11. Connect with your soul tribe, or build/join a group of like-minded people.

  12. Create time for the stuff that makes your heart sing!

No matter if you do one thing or all the things on the list above, you will feel a shift in that stale energy. The more you do the more things will shift. When the energy changes, your vibration changes and with this newfound feeling of living in a higher vibration you will attract more wonderful things in your life.

The Spring Equinox is around the corner and I have teamed up with some of the most genuine and powerful goddesses I know, to bring to you an amazing full-day event on 3/21/2020 from 10am-5pm in Cave Creek, AZ.

The Spring Equinox is a time of transformation, blossoms, and beauty. Join six goddesses that have dedicated their lives to creating a higher consciousness in the world. Through their own life lessons, they have turned these stories into a way to help others on their paths.

In this magical workshop, you will be guided by each host to experience a day of igniting the Divine Feminine and that inner goddess within. You will leave this event with many valuable tools to implement to your everyday life.

This event includes but not limited to:

  • Heal with the Horses Equine Therapy hosted by Janice Story, Equine Therapy Coach

  • Meet Your Muse Workshop hosted by Melissa Kim Corter, Best Selling Author - Join Melissa as she will teach you to tap into your own creative expression and ignite your abundance birthright.

  • High Vibe Goddess Lunch hosted by Kim Richardson, Personal Chef & Publisher - please advise if you have any nut allergies

  • Yoga Nidra hosted by Melissa Kim Corter with Kim Balzan on Crystal Bowls, to guide you into a deep meditative state to surrender & release. Kim Balzan, Goddess Sound will be creating Sacred Sound that will be specific to tap into your inner goddess

  • Goddess Drumming Circle Dance hosted by Kim Balzan- High Vibrational Goddess Sound to Fill the release with Love

  • Goddess Crown Workshop hosted by Tara Marie Jack- Tara will guide you in this creative workshop using fresh dried flowers & gemstone crystals for you to tap into your own creative spirit. Your crown, Goddess

  • Photography with Brandi Porter Strieter - Entire transformative journey captured with intuitive photography to remember and share your experience.

  • Space is limited to preserve the sacred experience for all to enjoy a private intimate setting

  • Give Back to the Community. A portion of proceeds & raffle will be given to the Sunlight Alliance, founded by Sunny Dawn Johnston, which helps families in need

Reserve your spot today!

I would love to hear about your springtime rituals or if you are using some listed here, let us know what’s working for you … leave a comment below!

If you think someone may benefit from this, please share it with them.

Lots of springtime love coming your way,


Kim Richardson