Do you have a New Year Ceremony?


2019 had been a very busy year for me, full of excitement, gratitude, sorrow, and lots of growth. Every year I do a closing ceremony where I look at every aspect of my life, personal and professional.

I go over what went well, what I can improve, and simple sit with all the things I am grateful for. I release the things and maybe the people who no longer serve the life I am living.

I simplify wherever I can so that I can allow room for new and abundant things in my life.

Next, I start planning for 2020. I create my vision board. I set goals and intentions of what it is I want to create in my life. I do my astrology report to assist in my planning for the upcoming year.

I take time to be present with myself and with those closest to me. I make sure in this process I am gentle with myself. I know there are no mistakes as they are all opportunities for growth and expansion.

Most importantly, I don’t give up on my dreams.

I tell you all this because I know that on some level you can relate. Life can be tough sometimes; we must keep looking ahead and now that everything is working out in our best interest.

Even the toughest lesson must be learned in order to move forward into new and bigger things.

Do you spend some time at the end of the year to reflect on how your life is going and where you want it to go? If not, I encourage you to create your own ceremony, something that works for you.

Each year I have been doing this has ushered in so many wonderful things in my life. I have a special gift to thank you for being a part of my community and to assist you in your planning for 2020.

Right now, you can get any astrology report (I highly recommend the future forecast report) for 50% off. These reports are created for YOU personally based on your birthdate.

You will find so much insight about you and the report will help assist you in the planning of 2020. Be sure to use coupon code: MYPERSONALREPORT50 which expires 12/31/2019.

My friend, I am grateful to share this journey with you. I am wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a very abundant 2020!

Sending you so much love and light,


PS. Don’t miss my end of the year inventory reduction sale with savings up to 70% off jewelry and various books/cards.

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